Re-Elect michael cherry 2024
I am running for re-election to Tribal Council so I can continue to be of service to my tribe and to the members. I love our tribe and people and I come from a long line of family serving on council starting with my mom for over a decade pre and post restoration. I am 100% vested in Grand Ronde being a vibrant community where tribal members will want to return home and I envision what our tribal nation will look like in 10, 15, 20 years and beyond.
about me
I am a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, auntie, daughter and friend. Happily married with 5 children, three grandsons & a granddaughter, residing in Salem, Oregon. Born and raised in Oregon and a proud member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, descendant of Rogue River and Umpqua bands...
I am Grand Ronde
Michael S. Cherry nayka nim. I am the daughter of Candy Robertson, Grand Ronde tribal elder, and the late Jesse Robertson, Oglala Sioux.
Grand-daughter of Alberta Riggs, Great-grand daughter of Lena Norwest Bobb, and the Great-great granddaughter of Chief Solomon Riggs and Jenny Mackey Riggs.
I encourage you to learn more about my Education, Experience, My Story growing up in Grand Ronde and my Vision as I look forward to the future.

Candidate statement

As a Tribal Council leader I believe I have done a good job of representing our tribe and it’s members with integrity and respect for all. I have made decisions that I could stand by, at times with the majority and other times not.I believe I’ve done a good job of representing our tribe and its members with integrity. I have stood on my own two feet and made decisions that I could stand by. If re-elected, I will continue to use my voice to represent you to the very best of my ability.If re-elected, I will continue to use my voice to represent you to the very best of my ability. My heart is in the right place for our people and I humbly ask for your vote so that I can continue representing you.
Attending the white house tribal nations summit: A historic gathering of indigenous leaders

As an elected leader of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, I had the incredible privilege of attending the White House Tribal Nations Summit this year, a momentous event that brought together tribal leaders from across the United States. With over 300 tribal nations represented and one representing leader per tribe, I cannot express my gratitude for serving in this capacity.
Reflecting on My First Term as Grand Ronde Tribal Council Secretary

As I seek reelection to the Grand Ronde Tribal Council, I am proud to reflect on the accomplishments and initiatives I have been part of during my first term. Serving as your Secretary has been a profound honor, and I am committed to continuing my work to support and uplift our community.