Daily Responsibilities & Expectations
The Tribal Council Ordinance of 1994 lists 12 expectations of Tribal Council members.
1. Attend all regular meetings of the Tribal Council (unless excused by TC)
2. Attend all meetings of the General Council (unless on business or personal leave).
3. Attend all work sessions and meetings of the LAC (unless on business or personal leave).
4. Provide input on all matters coming before the Council, stating beliefs, and providing alternatives and recommendations on decision making.
5. Not interfere with the implementation of Tribal Council decisions.
6. Carry out assignments on behalf of the Council in a timely manner.
7. Serve on Boards and Committees as designated by the Council.
8. Act in a professional and ethical manner and be a positive community role model.
9. Promote cooperation and teamwork between the Council and all other work units and Tribal members.
10. Avoid interfering with other work units, or directing employees or others except as authorized by the Council. Tribal Council members shall take special care to avoid even the appearance that they are using their Council positions to influence the administration of the Tribe's departments.
11. Maintain an impartial decision making attitude, keeping personal and family matters separate.
12. Uphold the Tribal Constitution.
operational highlights: Attendance
operational highlights: Tribal member engagement & Communication (Videos, facebook/social media posts)
Boards & Committees
The Tribal Council Ordinance (7) expects Tribal Council members to serve on boards and committees as designated by the Council.
Boards I currently serve on:
Committees I currently serve on:
Areas for personal and Professional growth in 2024
(my) Priorities for 2024
a lood ahead
Child Care Development Center
Creekside Elder Housing Phase III
Fire Station Expansion
Healthcare & Vaccination Clinic
Home Ownership Phase I
Nature Playground
Wind River Apartments Phase III
Tribally Owned Compact School
Dog Park in Tribal Housing
Stratus Village MOU
Resident & Recreation Center
Webpage TM Portal & Mobile App