My Vision

As I seek re-election to the Tribal Council for The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, I am deeply committed to ensuring a prosperous future for our community. My vision encompasses four key areas: Education/Youth, Financial Sustainability & Stability, Elder Care, and Sovereignty, Culture & Community. Together, we will nurture our youth, secure our financial future, honor our elders, and preserve our rich heritage. Join me in this journey to build a stronger, more vibrant Grand Ronde for all our members.

priority areas of focus


  • Education & mental health of our youth. Now more than ever, we must prioritize the mental health and well-being of children. Explore trade schools and charter schools. Drop out rates are higher and HS graduation rates are lower for native Americans than any other group.
  • The health and well-being of our students is the cornerstone of young minds before learning can even take place. 31% increase in mental health related doctor visits in 2020 for youth in America. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Prevention: Deep seeded intergenerational trauma, healing must take place for our tribal students to be successful.

Financial Sustainability & Stability

  • Small business entrepreneurship, creating new small business opportunities and business incentives for entrepreneurship.
  • Creating a resource center for small business.
  • Utilizing federal & state dollars whenever possible and applying for grants (e.g., IHS, BIA, HUD); being fiscally responsible
  • Creation of an Economic Development Board

elder care

  • Taking care of our Elders; transitional housing from independent living to foster care to assisted living. “Aging in place.”
  • Technology assistance to stay connected: quality of life
  • Resources for tribal families when critical care is needed or elders are facing a serious illness.
  • Community ambassadors for elder care and connection.

Sovereignty, culture & Community

  • The government has trust responsibilities in fulfilling & upholding trust & treaty obligations with tribal nations and we have to be steadfast in ensuring that happens. 
  • Preserving the right to protect tribal culture, spirituality and practices. 
  • Communication & tribal member engagement
  • Ensuring tribe longevity by recognizing lineal decent.