As I seek reelection to the Grand Ronde Tribal Council, I am proud to reflect on the accomplishments and initiatives I have been part of during my first term. Serving as your Secretary has been a profound honor, and I am committed to continuing my work to support and uplift our community. Here are some key achievements and contributions I personally have made:
Enhancing Communication and Governance
Improved Communication Channels: I played a pivotal role in enhancing communication between the SMGI Board and the Tribal Council. Additionally, I helped formulate the Corporate Governance Committee, on which I currently serve.
E-Newsletter Contributions: I have written numerous articles for our e-newsletter, keeping our community informed and engaged. Click here to see previous editions.
Improving Efficiencies and Policies
Tribal Council Onboarding Handbook: I championed the authorization for the first Tribal Council onboarding handbook, significantly improving our onboarding process.
Confidential TM Web Portal: My 2022 advisory vote suggestion to create a confidential Tribal Member web portal received overwhelming support.
Supporting Elders and Youth
Elder Protection Ordinance: I recommended the formation of an Elder Task Team, ensuring continuity of services throughout our organization.
Bridge Meadows Project: Advocated for the Bridge Meadows intergenerational housing model, which integrates tribal youth in foster care and elders. Learn more about Bridge Meadows.
Advocacy and Representation
Domestic Violence Ordinance: Researching the development of the first Domestic Violence Ordinance.
MMIP Awareness: Participated in awareness events for Murdered and Missing Indigenous People (MMIP).
ICWA Defense: Represented our tribe in Washington, D.C., defending the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) which was favorably upheld. I was honored to offer a prayer on the steps of the Supreme Court.
White House Tribal Nations Summit: Proudly represented our tribe at the 2023 White House Tribal Nations Summit.
ODFW MOA: Contributed testimony that led to the passing of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. This agreement advances the government-to-government relationship between the Tribe and the State of Oregon and allows tribal members to participate in expanded hunting rights. See my testimony here.
Legislative and Operational Achievements
Constitutional Amendment: Advocated for and saw the passage of the constitutional amendment banning disenrollment.
Accountability and Performance: Conducted year-end reviews for accountability, maintaining high operational report and attendance records: 90% in the first year, 80% in the second year, and over 90% in the third year. See my 2023 year end review here.
Professional Development
Leadership Training: Graduated from the American Leadership Forum, a year-long leadership program.
Evergreen State College Elected Official Academy: Completed the second annual Tribal Elected Leader Certificate program.
Committee Roles
Education Committee Liaison: Served as the Tribal Council Liaison for the Education Committee.
Elder Committee Liaison: Served as the Tribal Council Liaison for the Elder Committee.
My commitment to our community is unwavering, and I am dedicated to continuing my work to advance our collective well-being. I humbly ask for your support in the upcoming election so we can continue building a stronger tribal nation.